Thank yous and Prayer

A huge thank you to everyone who got involved in the meal and the book sorting this week!

I have recently added a prayer points page to my blog (which you can navigate to any time using the menu at the top of the blog page). I have set up a separate email list for anyone who would like to receive these in their inbox whenever I update this. This email list is independent of my existing emails with general updates of what is happening on the ground so whether you sign up or not, you will continue to receive these emails as usual :). To sign up, you can click either of the links below (and if you have any technical difficulties, please let me know!):

Go straight to sign up for prayer

Go check out the shiny new prayer page and find the email subscription from there (the one contained within the post, not the one on the right hand side)


Upcoming Events in Bradford

For those of you who are not aware, I have decided that next year (around Septemberish) I will be moving out to Uganda on a permanent basis! I would like to thank all of you that have walked this journey with me, and supported me along the way. Looking through the list, I’ve been humbled at how many people have signed up to receive my ramblings on work and adventures in the best country in the world. My excitement is beyond words as plans that have been in the making for around 9 years suddenly feel as if they are coming to fruition! The clock is now ticking!

As I mentioned in another post, Shalom has a school that is operating, however, they lack a proper building to teach in. On Sunday 23rd October, I shall be starting off fundraising for this with a lunch! For a donation to the cause, jacket potatoes with a variety of fillings will be served at Church on the Way (158 Bradford Road, BD10 8SA). You are more than welcome either to join us for the service at 10:30am and stay for lunch or to just come for around 1pm for the food! I would love to take this opportunity to catch up with as many of you as possible, too! I have attached a flyer below with the details.

If you intend to come, it would be helpful if you could sign up here, so that we can get an idea of numbers:

The following day, Monday 24th October, I’m also looking for as many people as possible to come and volunteer to sort out some children’s books. You may remember that while I was at university and while the schools were closed during Covid, I worked in a second-hand book warehouse. Stephen, my former boss, has very kindly donated boxes of children’s books that are very difficult to get hold of in Uganda. However, sorting them all out is a bit of a mammoth job and I’d love to have as much help as possible! I’ve also attached a flyer for this.

If you are available, the ideal would be to meet at Church on the Way for 9am and we will travel down to Stephen’s warehouse together as it can be quite tricky to find. However, if you can’t make it for that time but would still like to join us, please do sign up and we will meet you at the gate when you arrive. Whatever time you can make it, if you intend to come, it would be super helpful if you could fill in the following form:

Please do be aware that the warehouse is not heated (although tea can be served aplenty!) so make sure you wrap up warm enough!

Thank you again for all your support and I hope to see you soon!